
You and this paper make good local news team

What this newspaper continues to do day after day in 2017 is unchanged from what it began doing in 1859.

As far as what’s happening in the greater Copper Country, you can count on this newspaper to deliver local news directly to you. We’ve been doing this for 158 years, so we must be doing it right.

Even in this age of so many more media sources, the news of the Copper Country published here cannot be found anywhere else. Any other media source of the region’s news, whether it is television, radio or online media, does not even come close to comprehensive coverage of local news, is purely superficial in depth and detail, or is merely lists of events and schedules.

As it has since it has been in business serving the people since July 16, 1859, this newspaper offers nearly total comprehensive coverage of breaking news, reporting on government and tax-funded public agencies, local elections and features on community, business, education and the economy.

If there is news in the Copper Country that we fail to report — and given our staff limitations and the 1,000 square miles we cover, we might miss something — we need Copper Country residents to assist by submitting news tips through our website. Click on the “Submit News” link at the top of the page.

This newspaper is a place you can count on to provide real, truthful news about what is happening in your county, your town and down the street. You can get all the world and national news you want from other credible mainstream media. We even provide a fraction of that here. But that’s not our mission. You cannot get the local news of the Copper Country in depth and detail from anywhere else except this newspaper. That will continue to be our mission.

In addition to providing news you need and want to know about the Copper Country that you cannot find anywhere else, we also offer every resident space in the local marketplace of ideas through letters to the editor. This is yet something else not offered by broadcast media, and the daily space on our Opinion Page provides an audience for your free speech not available on social media. In theory, every resident gets 400 words a month to express themselves on our Opinion Page. Get into the local marketplace of ideas to exchange thoughts and positions on local issues that matter to you.

You need this newspaper in order to be informed on what is happening in the greater Copper Country area on a daily basis, now more than ever.

Get your daily dose of truth and factual community news here. That is what this newspaper has done for 158 years and counting.


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