
How to get involved: Run for local office

FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP – Local government is the base of all government in the United States, but it may be that not many local residents know the process for running for a particular office or position.

Mary Brunet, Franklin Township clerk, said much of the process for running for local office is the same whether it’s for township, village or city positions.

“They have to come to the clerk’s office and get an affidavit of identity and nominating petition,” she said.

The purpose the affidavit of identity is to show that the candidate lives in the jurisdiction for the office being sought, is the proper age, what office is sought, and other information.

Brunet said the nominating petition must be completed. Although there is space for 12 names, usually just two names will be enough. Those signing the petition must also be of voting age, be a registered voter and a resident of the locality where the election will take place.

“If you want your name on the ballot, you have to do this,” she said of the nominating petition.

The nominating petitions are distinct for each jurisdiction, whether township, village, city or state, Brunet said.

“They’d have to get a different petition,” she said.

Once the forms are filled out, Brunet said they must be brought to the clerk’s office before the deadline for filing for a particular office or position.

“All this is to get you on the ballot,” she said.

For the August primary election, Brunet said forms must be filed at the clerk’s office by 4 p.m. April 19. After she gets all the nominating positions and affidavits of identity, she sends them to the Houghton County clerk.

In Franklin Township, Brunet, Treasurer Judith Counts and Supervisor Glenn Ekdahl aren’t seeking re-election. The terms of trustees Mary Sears and Dan Dulong Jr. end in November, also.

If more than two people are running for a particular office or position, Brunet said the person with the most votes is automatically placed on the November ballot. If one one person is running for an office or position, that person needs only one vote to move to the November ballot.

Residents who decide to run as a write-in candidate must also have an affidavit of identity and a nominating petition. Those need to be filed by July 22 for the August election. Only write-in candidates who meet all the qualifications will be counted for the election. Write-in candidate papers must be filed by 4 p.m. Oct. 28 to be approved for the November general election.


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