
Amistad Project continues battle over voter integrity

Since ballot counting began in Michigan, Bridge has constantly asserted that President Donald Trump has claimed, either “without proof,” or “without evidence,” that the elections were skewed by massive fraud. Yet, according to many sources and organizations beyond Bridge, there is enough evidence to prove voter fraud in court, and that is exactly what the Amistad Project announced last Friday.

In spite of the assertions made by Bidge, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, announced the filing of federal and state lawsuits challenging the presidential election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona. The Amistad Project identifies itself as a national conservative legal organization.

In the release, the project stated that the Trump campaign is joining with the Amistad project on these lawsuits on a case-by-case basis, according to Rudy Giuliani, who remains the head of the campaign’s legal efforts.

The suits allege violations of the equal protection clause, as some voters, specifically those in large Democratic strongholds, were treated more favorably than others, the release states. The suits also allege violation of due process, various state laws, and violations of numerous state court orders.

“A common thread of the election dynamics in these states is that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, through a progressive organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL),” the release states, “provided enormous amounts of money (more than $300 million) to Democratic-controlled cities in these states for elections. The grants that Zuckerberg funded literally paid the salaries of election officials, and came with significant strings attached, such as mandating the number of ballot drop boxes and polling places – a fact revealed by documents released by court order, thanks to Amistad’s efforts,” states the release.

Amistad Project Director Phil Kline said the legal action come after only after rigorous investigation and careful evaluation.

In a press conference on Nov. 9, Ronna McDaniel, GOP chairwoman, presented 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in Michigan that Republicans think could have tipped the scales for Joe Biden.

In a article on the same day, PJ Media quoted McDaniel as saying:

“In Wayne County, Republican poll watchers were denied their legal right to monitor the election and purposefully kept in the dark…there are thousands of reports of poll watchers being intimidated and unable to do their job and as of 4 p.m. this afternoon, 131 affidavits have been completed just in Michigan with over 2,800 incident reports that have been submitted to us since election day. Two new lawsuits were filed (on Nov. 9) by people who were working in Detroit and a whistleblower [came forward].”

After detailing the claims in several of the affidavits, she challenged the press to “look at these affidavits, and “And I hope you hear from the people who were there [in Detroit].” She also urged the media to care about the reports of voter fraud and intimidation instead of just ignoring or suppressing them as they have been doing, and moving on with the news cycle as if their declaration of a win for Biden is the final word on the matter, PJ stated.

“So just after a week after the polls close, Democrats and the media want to ignore these irregularities,” McDaniel said. “Even one instance of voter fraud should be too many for all of us.”

As if to prove her point, immediately after McDaniel detailed the affidavits and told the press where to find them for themselves, they demanded that she show “evidence” of the alleged fraud, PJ reported.

Among the alleged irregularities being scrutinized, the Friday Amistad release stated that working with top-tier election attorneys in these states, a “world-renowned statistical expert” who testified in the 2000 Bush v. Gore case, and intensive, on-the-ground investigations, the Amistad Project is confident it is able to demonstrate to the courts that hundreds of thousands of ballots were fraudulently cast. In Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, removing improper and fraudulently-cast ballots results in President Trump winning these states. In Michigan, extensive irregularities and illegalities plagued the vote-counting process in Wayne County, affecting more than 300,000 ballots in a state decided by just 150,000 votes.

The release further states that in Wisconsin, approximately 200,000 ballots should not have been accepted, being largely due to a spike in voters who were classified as “indefinitely confined” and therefore did not have to produce personal identification, (where) as all other voters are required to do in the state.

In Pennsylvania, Armistad argued that there was a systematic effort in Democratic counties to work with campaign officials to correct defective mail-in ballots.

“This practice was especially egregious in Montgomery County, a suburb of Philadelphia, in which Joe Biden currently leads by 133,000 votes,” the release stated. “Biden is up by less than 73,000 votes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

In Pennsylvania, the frequency of drop boxes has been called into question by Armistad as the number appears to have disproportionately benefitted Democrats. In Delaware County, a suburb of Philadelphia, there was one drop box every four square miles. In the 59 Pennsylvania counties that Donald Trump won in 2016, there was one drop box every 1,100 square miles, the release states.

The common violations, according to Amistad, across the six states include the following:

• Systematic efforts by election officials to correct defective ballots in heavily Democratic areas but not Republican ones.

• Lack of enforcement of voter identification laws.

• Denying Republicans the ability to observe and certify ballot completion, as required by law.

• Denying Republicans the opportunity to watch mail-in ballots being trucked and unloaded at large tabulation facilities.

• Failing to check signatures on mail-in ballots and corresponding documentation

• Refusal to release logs showing when ballots were delivered and by whom.

In an interview Sunday on Fox, Michigan’s state House Speaker Lee Chatfield said it’s “very concerning” that 71 percent of Detroit’s absentee precincts were “out of balance,” meaning that the number of ballots cast didn’t match the number of envelopes recorded.

However, in a Sunday online article, Bridge stated that “It’s also important to note that Detroit was far from the only city to have issues with imbalanced precincts, as absentee votes surged statewide.

In Livonia, a similar percentage of absentee counting boards were out of balance, 68 percent (30 of 44), while 47 percent were unbalanced in Dearborn (21 of 45) and 51 percent were in Canton Township (21 of 41).”


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