

Keweenaw County v. Law-and-Order Granny

Letters to the Editor

Get ready, the Kangaroo Court’s about to convene, To stick it to Granny, who’s bold and serene. She dared to demand that the Roos play it fair, While they passed zoning laws with no record to share. The Roos saw her as a menace, a rebel so bold, Her crochet hook in hand, defiance ...

Remember the Good News

Letters to the Editor

To the Editor, On November 8, 1923, about 3000 people met in a beer hall in Munich, Germany, to organize an attempt by the Nazi Party to overthrow the state government of Bavaria, as a first stage in taking over the government of Germany. This event is known as the Beerhall Putsch. Leaders ...

America has many problems

Letters to the Editor

It’s difficult to prioritize America’s current problems. The border crisis is right up there. Also the two assassination attempts on Donald Trump were jaw dropping. Below I’ve listed three of them. 1. The soon arrival of the Antichrist was pre-announced at the Summer Olympics. He ...

Thank you Garrett Neese

Letters to the Editor

In the fall of 2003, a young man fresh out of Arizona State University, began his journalism career. Rather than returning to his native eastern Washington state nor staying in The Grand Canyon State, he ventured to Michigan’s Copper Country and becames a reporter for the Daily Mining ...

Life On Lake Beautiful

Letters to the Editor

My husband and I feel very connected to an independent community of amazingly driven people in our Lac La Belle. Concerning within our wetlands ecosystem is Lac La Belle’s environment. We are not all about food-gas-Hot Spring-Like hot tubs or ski hill businesses in winter or the other great ...

Democracy in Action

Letters to the Editor

I attended the H/PT School Board meeting last evening and learned, among other things, that: 1) Copper Country citizens care about their schools and are willing to come out on a very cold night to participate in their local government. Many people spoke up, and everyone listened. Opinions ...