
What2Watch: Mom’s movie moments

Hopefully your calendars are already marked for Sunday’s importance: Mother’s Day! Popular media is filled with people scrambling at the last minute, trying to quickly figure out the perfect gift. Surely, though, that isn’t any of us. However, if you’re looking for a way to make Mother’s Day even better than your existing plans, I’d suggest setting aside some time to find a comfy spot on the couch for Mom, getting her whatever treats she might like, and putting on a movie in honor of her.

Need some help picking one out? Luckily, I’m here with some suggestions!

MOVIE: Home Alone (1990, PG, 103 min, DVD: yes, stream free on: Disney+)

Want to let Mom know you think she’s been doing pretty good? Snuggle up on the couch with her and watch this together. Make sure you point out to Mom she’s so much better than Kate. “See, Mom? You’ve never left me behind when we’ve gone on a trip!” Well, unless she has… Still, there’s probably something Kate has done worse than Mom!

MOVIE: Throw Momma From The Train (1987, PG-13, 88 min, DVD: yes, stream free on: Prime, Roku, MGM+)

Alternately, if you feel Mom hasn’t been appreciative of how you interact with her, put this movie on. You can point out how much better of a child you are to Mom than Owen is to his domineering mother, the person he is constantly planning how to kill.

MOVIE: Psycho (1960, R, 109 min, DVD: yes, stream free on: Prime | Remake: 1998, R, 105 min, DVD: yes, stream free on: N/A)

Very few children are as dedicated to their mother as Norman Bates! Preface the viewing by telling Mom in a calm but serious tone, “I know our relationship can be complicated too, but I hope we can act as one like Norman and his mother.”

MOVIE: The Manchurian Candidate (1962, PG-13, 126 min, DVD: yes, stream free on: Prime | Remake: 2004, R, 129 min, DVD: yes, stream free on: Prime, Max, Hulu)

As the saying goes, behind every extremely successful person is an evil, conniving mother who helped them get there. See how Eleanor throws her support behind her son and ask Mom how she is planning to help your future career aspirations.

MOVIE: The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996, R, 121 min, DVD: yes, stream free on: N/A)

I learned from my mom that she gets better creases in her ironing with a good and violent action movie playing as she works. It just so happens that this action movie focuses on Samantha/Charly, an amnesiac mother who learns she has some special killing skills and decides to leave her family behind for safety like any caring mom would. So, pull out the ironing board and laundry, put this movie on and let Mom have a blast! (Improved creases not guaranteed.)

So, which one is What2Watch with Mom? Maybe the better choice would be skipping my tongue-in-cheek suggestions and asking Mom what she would like to watch. Remember, it’s a day to honor her and you should strive to make it the best she’s ever had! Oh, and probably stay away from Bambi…

Kent Kraft is someone who has always loved his mother and would like to dedicate this week’s article to her. He also cleared this week’s article with her. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!


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