Pitch in for Parks event ‘brings community together’

Garrett Neese/DMG Hancock Rotary member Melissa Maki sweeps the sidewalk at Veterans Park during Tuesday’s Pitch in for Parks cleanup.
- Garrett Neese/DMG Hancock Rotary member Melissa Maki sweeps the sidewalk at Veterans Park during Tuesday’s Pitch in for Parks cleanup.
- Garrett Neese/DMG Hancock Community Development Manager Todd Gast and Hancock resident Danielle Isham paint benches at Porvoo Park during Tuesday’s Pitch in for Parks event.
The event is part of an annual day where residents join in civic improvement, with the activity changing each year. Last year, residents painted fire hydrants.
Earlier in the day, about 100 students from Hancock Public Schools also helped out, cleaning up the Hancock Driving Park, Dog Park, and Laurn Grove Park.
“I think that this is what it’s all about, bringing the community out and doing something together,” said City Manager Mary Babcock, who was adding a new coat of paint to benches at Porvoo Park. “It’s a good event.”
Community Development Manager Todd Gast agreed, adding “It’s what makes a community.”

Garrett Neese/DMG Hancock Community Development Manager Todd Gast and Hancock resident Danielle Isham paint benches at Porvoo Park during Tuesday’s Pitch in for Parks event.
At Terrace Park, Superior National Bank employees and other Hancock residents spread wood chips around the playground area, did hazard remediation and opened up a trail leading to the street.
“It’s springtime, it’s a beautiful day,” said volunteer Seth DePasquale. “Who’s going to complain about today? We all got together, joined forces, and cleaned ‘er up.”
At the end of the two-hour event, volunteers met back at the Hancock Fire Hall for a cookout with hot dogs.