
Buffalo Reef restoration gathering steam

The plan to save Buffalo Reef is without a doubt a very large project. However, Project Manager Steven Check with the U.S Army Corps of Engineers said by next month, potentially earlier, the Buffalo Reef Alternatives Analysis Report is scheduled to be released for public review and comment. This report will detail the preferred alternative and the basis for this decision.  

The State of Michigan is currently developing a Statement of Work to determine where to locate the Upland Placement Facility and gather the required Pre-Design Investigation data needed to inform a potential design and help refine cost estimates.

As far as the design of the Coal Dock Jetty, the State of Michigan is also developing a Statement of Work for the required Pre-Design Investigation needed to support it.

Hugh McDiarmid Jr., Communications Manager for the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE) added that The State has provided funding for geotechnical work at the site. This will assist with the construction of the jetty that will be necessary for eventual remediation. This will also involve a drill rig set up on a barge to determine the thickness of stamp sand and the strength of the bedrock in the area.

Although funding for the jetty has not yet been secured, they expect the geotechnical work to begin this fall or next spring/summer depending on several factors including contractor availability.

“It is important to note that the decision to build or implement any or all of the strategies detailed in the above report has not been made. The adage ‘How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.’ Is appropriate here. These first steps will help inform the public and the decision-makers on the size and scope of this important clean-up project,” Check added.


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