
Houghton Police to sponsor two candidates for police academy

HOUGHTON — With positions to fill in the police department, the Houghton City Council approved the sponsorship of two cadets to police academy at its meeting Wednesday.

The police department is applying for a $24,000 grant from the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards that would cover the cost of the academy training, including room and board.

“We’re confident we’re going to be able to recover that money,” said Police Chief John Donnelly.

The move comes as the department is seeking to fill two positions and amid a downturn in interest in police positions nationally, Chief John Donnelly said.

“Three years ago, four years ago, we had people lining up at the door to do this,” Donnelly said of the academy applications. “It used to be that people were paying out of their own pocket … it’s a change.”

The Houghton County Sheriff’s Department and Hancock Police Department also have people scheduled to attend the academies, Donnelly said.

One of the last two candidates the department sponsored graduated and is currently working with the department, Donnelly said.

Sgt. Nate Kinnunen, who has been with the department for the past 10 years, is leaving the department, Donnelly said.

In turn, Jason Tormala has been promoted to sergeant. He will speak with the council on Nov. 8. He will be joined by Kirk Mills, who was promoted to the vacant corporal position. Mills serves as the school resource officer at Houghton-Portage Township Schools.

Representatives from the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police will also attend the Nov. 8 meeting. The department recently underwent the process to be accredited through the MACP.

In other action, the council:

• Discussed the results of a survey of West Houghton residents on whether or not to add streetlights. The city sent a survey card with the location of 10 proposed streetlights to residents of Sugar Maple, Springwood, Woodhaven, Oak Ridge, White Oak, Red Oak, Country Lane and Maureen Lane.

Overall, 77 residents backed the additions, while 38 were against and 10 had no opinion.

The council will review the results and discuss the issue at its next meeting.

• Took no action on naming a new member to the Portage Lake District Library Board.

Rachel Lankton, Tim Scarlett and Meena Murthu applied for the position previously held by Meha Chiraya, who moved out of the area. The term will expire March 31, 2026.

Votes on Lankton and Murthu deadlocked 3-3.

Mayor Brian Irizarry and Councilors Virginia Cole and Craig Waddell voted for Murthu. Councilors Bob Backon, Robert Megowen, and Mike Needham backed Lankton.

After additional discussion with no change in positions, Irizarry moved on, leaving the item as unfinished business for the next council meeting.

• Approved submitting comments on the draft of the Huron Watershed Management plan compiled by members of a Planning Commission subcommittee from public feedback during an informational session at the Carnegie Museum.

• Approved selling a 2002 Peterbilt at auction to partially offset the purchase cost of a newer sander.

• Moved the second meeting in November back a week to November 29.

• Approved an updated Section 3 policy as required to receive grants from the Michigan Economic Development Corp. The policy requires businesses and employers on projects funded by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to make as much effort as feasible to hire and train low-income workers.

• Went into closed session to discuss the purchase of real property. No action was taken when the open meeting resumed.


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