

Technological advances allowed for old mines to receive new life

The period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was marked, to be sure, by increasing tensions between mine labor and management, as we’ve been discussing. But that same period was also marked by technological advances that allowed for old, abandoned mines to be revisited, with ...

How Anti-abortion Laws Complicate Medical Degrees in Women’s Health

We have a big medical mess that will cost women their lives and physicians their competency. That realization is what stopped me in my tracks as I listened to Dr. Toni M. Ganzel, Dean of the University of Louisville School of Medicine speak to the Kentucky Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary ...

American Pride Is Out Here, Hiding in Plain Sight

WEST NEWTON, Pennsylvania — As the sun dipped below the horizon of the Laurel Mountains off in the distance of the Evergreen Drive-In Theater, families with children were spread out on their sleeping blankets in front of their cars. A cluster of couples were sitting in folding chairs, ...

Infidelity: My Husband’s Fatal Flaw

Dear Annie: I recently got married to the greatest guy I’ve ever met, yet I know for a fact that he has cheated on me more than once. I have actually gotten phone calls from the other woman describing his body and my home. When confronted about it, he tells me to stop my complaining, gets ...

New York Times to Biden — Time to Go!

When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday night, he likely did not expect to find a severed horse’s head under his bed covers. But there it was, courtesy of The New York Times. “At 79, Biden is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency” ran the headline ...

Opposites Attract, but Are They Compatible?

Dear Annie: My girlfriend and I are really in love, but we are opposites in so many things. She loves to travel, and I like my routine at home. She always wants to dance, but I think of myself as a lousy dancer. However, she always encourages me when we’re on the dance floor — offering ...