
Which party is really the mean party?

To the editor:

Up is down and black is white in Robert Kohtala’s world (DMG, June 15) and his filters distort reality.

The members or followers of which party …

1. Are Trying to disenfranchise voters in several states, like Jim Crow laws in Reconstruction days after the Civil War,

2. Are Trying to overturn the Affordable Care Act with no alternative available,

3. Deny biological evolution and want creationism taught in the schools,

4. Want to display the Ten Commandments in public buildings, but not other religions’ sayings or statements,

5. Want to allow prayer (usually Christian) at the start of the day in public schools in spite of a pluralistic society,

6. Cruelly separated thousands of children from their parents at the border with Mexico (although Biden is working to correct the situation),

7. Delayed a quick and proper control of the Corona virus resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths,

8. Openly dedicated themselves to try to limit Obama to one term by continued obstruction,

9. Encouraged the traitorous insurrection at the Capital on Jan. 6,

10. Claim climate change is a hoax in spite of the educated opinion of 98% of the climate scientists,

11. Gave a huge tax break to the already wealthy,

12. Refuse to significantly raise the minimum wage,

13. Want to minimize or eliminate social safety nets such as Aid to Dependent Children,

14. Want to restrict LGBTQ rights,

15. Oppose anti-discrimination laws,

16. Resist any meaningful gun control,

17. Support conspiracy theories like the loony QAnon,

18. Approve the torture of captured combatants,

19. Restrict immigration from “undesirable” countries,

20. Follow the dictates of the ruling plutocrats and ignore the welfare of the general population, and

21. Continue (a little irony here) the false claim that the election of Biden was stolen?

So, which party is really the mean party?


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