
Time for knee replacement?

Dr. Mark Kelley, MC, FACS

If you’ve been struggling with knee pain for a while, you might wonder if knee replacement surgery could offer lasting relief. Replacing a joint can relieve pain and help you move and feel better, making everyday activities enjoyable again.

Each year, roughly 790,000 total knee replacements are performed in the U.S., according to the American College of Rheumatology. Advances in surgical techniques and implant materials have made joint replacement one of the most reliable and long-lasting surgical procedures.

“The first step to tackle chronic knee pain is to talk to your primary care provider,” said Aspirus Ironwood Hospital Orthopedic Surgeon, Mark Kelley, MD, FACS. “They can help you assess your symptoms to learn what treatments might lessen your knee pain or determine if it is time to see an orthopedic specialist about long-term treatment options.”

But knee replacement surgery is not for everyone. Before making this important decision, here are some signs you should or shouldn’t consider knee surgery right now.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, you might consider putting off knee surgery if:

• Your pain is manageable for now. You have more good days than bad, and it doesn’t interrupt your sleep.

• Your pain level hasn’t increased over the last year.

• Your pain isn’t interfering with the activities of your daily life.

• You haven’t explored all the nonsurgical options.

• You have health issues that may affect the success of your surgery.

• You don’t have time for the recovery process. Recovery can take up to six weeks or more, and you will probably need to stay home for two to three weeks after surgery.

• You don’t have the support at home you will need. It’s likely that you’ll need significant help while you’re recovering.

• You are not committed to your recovery plan. After surgery you can expect several weeks of exercise and rehabilitation.

It may be time to consider knee surgery if:

• Tests show that your joint damage is severe.

• The pain significantly affects your quality of life. It’s hard to get around, and you have more bad days than good.

• The pain has been getting steadily worse over time or remained at a bad level for months.

• You skip activities you used to enjoy because pain gets in the way.

• Side effects from pain medicines are putting your health at risk.

• You’ve tried other, less invasive treatments without lasting success.

• You are in good health, and you’ve made lifestyle changes to prepare you for surgery.

• You have a strong support system in place to help you recover after surgery.

• You have the ability to take time off while you heal.

“When you do meet with an orthopedic surgeon, bring a list of any questions you might have and consider keeping a journal of your symptoms when performing daily activities,” said Kelley. “Keeping track of how you feel every day, rating your pain on a scale of 1 to 10, can help your doctor see patterns in what helps your knee pain, and what might make it worse.”

Knee pain does not need to be accepted as a normal part of getting older. If you are experiencing pain and you’re not sure what’s best for you, start by meeting with your doctor to determine the best path forward.

To request a consultation with an Aspirus Orthopedic specialist, call 906-337-6560.


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