
Peterson: Brave new world for sports fans?

No one really has an idea what effects that COVID-19 will bring to us.

But the one thing that appears certain is that sports–and sports fans–must adapt to a new norm.

Will that new norm result in teams playing in near empty venues? Playing in shortened seasons ….or not at all?

Aldous Huxley may have alluded to it in his book, “Brave New World.” Huxley wrote about a time when humans would have no say in how big a family they wanted or just about anything else.

Or maybe George Orwell had it down in his novel “1984,” the chilling description of a new world in a dystopian future.

The cancellation of just about every sport, including high schools and colleges, was bad enough. To have to shorten the careers for senior athletes was heart-breaking for many.

But when the pros began pulling the plug on seasons, you knew that there was a very bad moon rising everywhere.

The desperation being displayed by the National Basketball Association and National Hockey Association to try to begin a playoff season is a good example.

If the NBA and NHL play at all in 2020, it will probably be for the start of new seasons this fall.

Major league baseball, the granddaddy of all pro sports, is bandying around ideas of playing the entire season in Arizona or Florida, then heading home for the playoffs.

That bird is not going to fly for any number of reasons. Most notable is that players won’t want to leave their families for three months of the season.

And what about the revenue that is being lost? I suspect someone will come up with a pay-per-view plan when all else fails.

The National Football League appears to be in the best shape for a regular season. The league could conceivably start the season on time and put out a good brand of ball.

But even football, and that includes the colleges, could be delayed if this pandemic is not brought under control.

Having been an avid sports fan all my life, the prospect of having no sports is a not a happy one.

But at least, I got to watch more than my share. Not everyone is able to say that.


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