
Calumet hits 6 home runs, sweeps Hancock

Paul Peterson photo Calumet's Celia Peterson received congratulations from her manager Joel Rastello after belting a three-run homer in Tuesday's game versus Hancock.

HANCOCK — If the Calumet High softball team keeps up their home-run pace, they might just pick up the nickname of “Copper Clouters.”

The Copper Kings displayed their power Tuesday in the first Copper Softball Trophy game at Gordy Schaaf Field by taking a pair of games, 10-4 and 14-1, over the host Hancock Bulldogs.

The winners socked six long balls in the twinbill.

“We do have some power in our lineup,” Calumet manager Joel Rastello said afterward. “That’s a nice asset to have.”

In an opening game victory, the Copper Kings received a pair of three-run homers from Vera and Celia Peterson.

The first blast wiped out an early 2-0 advantage by Hancock had taken in the opening inning on a two-run single by D’Andra Kero.

The second three-runner came in the fifth frame and boosted CHS into a 10-4 lead.

A two-run double Hancock’s Madelyn Pierner had cut it to 7-4 in the third inning.

Senior Emily Erkkila picked up the Game 1 victory, turning in a sharp performance. She gave up seven hits and fanned six batters.

“Emily (Erkkila) is our most reliable pitcher,” Rastello noted. “She’s been pitching since she was a freshman.”

Delaney Heinonen was the losing hurler, allowing 11 hits. She fanned four batters.

Celia Peterson and Kendra Keranen had three hits each for the winners, while Erkkila and Molly Helminen added two raps each.

Jordyn Rowe, Addy Brooks and Emma Almquist all had two hits for the Randy Heinonen-coached Bulldogs.

Ally Spence swung the big bat in the second game, driving in six runs with a pair of homers. One of those was a grand slam in the fifth inning that salted away the game.

Celia Peterson notched two hits, including a homer, while Britney Heikkila also belted a homer. Rowe counted two hits for HCHS

The Copper Kings, who outscored Hancock 24-5 in the total runs event, connected for six homers on the day.

Rastello said this is the hardest-hitting team he’s coached.

“I think they worked out in the weight room,” he said. “They broke the school season record for homers in one game.”

Heinonen said Calumet has the best hitting team in the West-PAC.

“They have a lineup that can really swing the bat,” Heinonen said. “We’re still a young team trying to find our way. But we’ll get better with time.”

The Bulldogs will host rival Houghton in a doubleheader this afternoon.

Calumet hosts Lake Linden-Hubbell Thursday.


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