
Popko and Codere earn Lake Linden-Hubbell senior athlete awards

LAKE LINDEN — Lake Linden-Hubbell Schools announced earlier this week their Class of 2024 Outstanding Male and Female Athlete Awards. They went to Gabe Popko and Abi Codere.

Popko earned 13 varsity letters in four different sports: football (3), basketball (3) baseball (4), and track (3) in his high school career.

In football, he earned All-Conference Offensive and Defensive Line honors in 2023 and 2024. He was all second-team, All- U.P. 2021 and first team in 2022.

In basketball, he was all conference three times and twice named to the Copper Mountain Conference elite team and All-U.P.

In track, he was named outstanding hurdler in 2023 and outstanding thrower in 2024 by the Copper Mountain Conference.

In baseball, he was twice named to the all-conference team.

He will represent Lake Linden-Hubbell in the UP all-star football game and the basketball border bash basketball game this summer.

Popko will graduate with a GPA of 3.71 and plans to attend Michigan Tech to play football and major in General Engineering. He is a son of Dominic and Tiffany Popko.

Codere earned seven varsity letters in volleyball and track in her high school career. She was a twice named a member of the All Copper Mountain Conference volleyball team in 2022 and 2023 and as a member of the CMC elite team 2023.

She was an (MI) all-state and MHSAA champion in the 100m hurdles thee times, pole vault twice and 4x100m relay twice helping her team win a U.P. track title in 2023.

Codere earned a GPA 3.78 and plans on attending Northern Michigan University to major in sports science. Abi is a daughter of Ken and Elisabeth Codere.


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