
Senior citizens’ assistance to continue in Baraga

L’ANSE — Baraga County voters decided on a variety of offices and millages Tuesday. 

State/federal races

Democratic U.S. Sen. Gary Peters (572 votes) and Republican challenger John James (1,380) ran unopposed in their primaries.

In the 1st District race for the U.S. House of Representatives, primary winner Dana Ferguson (384) received more votes than Linda O’Dell (176). He will face incumbent Rep. Jack Bergman (1,432) who ran unopposed in the Republican primary. 

In the 110th District race for the State House, Democratic primary winner Janet Metsa (403) received more votes than Lawrence Dale (99) and Casey VerBerkmoes (49). She will face incumbent Rep. Greg Markkanen (1,432), who ran unopposed in the Republican primary.

County-wide races 

In the county clerk race, Democrat Tammy Magaraggia (485) and Republican Wendy Goodreau ( 1,471) ran unopposed in their primaries.

Republican Treasurer Jill Tollefson (1,445), Republican Prosecuting Attorney Joseph O’Leary (1,261) and Republican Mine Inspector Michael Legacy (1,186) ran unopposed.

In the county sheriff race, Joe Brogan (1,034) beat Jim Gabe (567) in the Republican primary.

In county board races, Democrat Liz Hakola received 108 votes in the 1st District primary, while Republican Gale Eilola received 232. In the 2nd District, Democrat Michael Koskin received 86 votes, while Republican Will Wiggins received 186. 

3rd District Republican Dan Robillard received 288 votes, while 5th District Democrat William Rolof received 100 votes. Neither face opposition in November. 

In the 4th District, Democrat Fran Whitman received 99 votes. Republican Lyle Olsen (200) won the primary race, beating out Burt Mason (150) and Cindy Larson (82). 

Township races

• Arvon Township: Jay Fish (R) received 40 write-in votes for supervisor, Lisa Marinich (R) received 192 votes for clerk, Krystal Larson (R) received 190 votes for treasurer and Chris Wahmhoff (R) received 175 votes for trustee. 

• Baraga Township: Amy Isaacson (D) received 185 votes for supervisor, Michelle Fish (D) received 183 votes for clerk, Catherine Wadaga (D) received 186 votes for treasurer, and Jerry Dompier (R, 296) and Glenn Juntunen (R, 294) ran for two trustee positions. 

• Covington Township: Lowella Eskel (D) received 31 votes for supervisor, while Amber Franti (R) received 61. In the treasurer primary, Lisa Karcher (D) received 31 votes and Amy Leaf (R) received 79. Republicans Laurie Ahola (69 votes) and Tristan Leaf (51) ran for two trustee positions. 

• L’Anse Township: Peter Magaraggia (R) received 633 votes for supervisor. Kristine Rice (D) received 229 votes for treasurer. John Robillard (D) received 235 votes for constable, while Jennie Nordstrom (R) received 588. Shelley Lloyd (R) received 635 votes for trustee. 

• Spurr Township: Jack Wells (D) received 46 votes for supervisor, Lori Carlson (D) received 43 votes for treasurer, Danielle Mattson (R) received 51 votes for clerk, Rose Ekdahl (D) and Vickie Voegtline (D) received 36 and 42 votes for two trustee positions, while Richard Taylor (R) received 45. 

County-wide proposals

Baraga County voters approved a 1-mill, five-year renewal for senior citizens assistance 1,603 to 456. They also approved a 2-mil, five-year renewal for funding road and street repairs 1,495 to 561.

Arvon Township Schools voters approved a four-year, 18-mill renewal for operating funds 157 to 61. 

Baraga Area Schools voters approved a five-year renewal, 18-mill renewal for operating funds 398 to 213. (A portion of Houghton County including the district also supported the proposal 46-19.)

Editor’s note: The name of Republican running for Baraga Township trustee, Jerry Dompier, was incorrectly listed as Jerry Juntunen in our original printing of this story.


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