
CCISD recognized for work implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Lynnette Borree(provided image)

The Copper Country Intermediate School District Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020.

Lynette Borree, School Psychologist for the Copper Country ISD and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Coordinator gave a presentation to the CCISD Board. Borree was there to share some special recognitions.

Many of our local schools have recently been recognized in their efforts at reaching out to all students to improve literacy and behavior.

The implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a priority of the Michigan Department of Education. In alignment with this priority, the MDE and MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center, formerly known as Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI), has developed a process for identifying and recognizing schools that are demonstrating strong outcomes and/or making progress related to meeting the needs of each and every learner through a multi-tiered framework.

Schools have worked to implement research based practices to ensure that their core instruction reaches most students while also providing interventions to support students who may need more behavioral or academic support. School teams look at data and educational research to guide their efforts. As a result of their work, the following local school teams have received statewide recognition in the following areas:

Behavior Gold: TR Davis Elementary (Dollar Bay), Houghton Middle School, L’Anse High School

Behavior Silver: Houghton Elementary, Dollar Bay High School, Houghton High School, Lake Linden High School

Behavior Bronze: CJ Sullivan Elementary School (L’Anse), Lake Linden Elementary School, Baraga High School

Reading Gold: Phillip Latendresse Elementary School (Baraga)

Reading Silver: Houghton Elementary, TR Davis Elementary (Dollar Bay), Houghton Middle School

Reading Bronze: CJ Sullivan Elementary School (L’Anse), Lake Linden Elementary

Steve Goodman, the Director of Michigan’s Technical Assistance Center for Multi-Tiered System of Supports, says, “These schools in the Copper Country are some of the strongest examples we have in our state of a truly integrated model of MTSS supports for reading and behavior.”

In addition, Borree also informed the board that several local elementary schools will be participating in a research study with the University of Missouri and American Institutes for Research (AIR) that is being funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The purpose of the study is to develop and test a tool to better understand, and ultimately improve, the implementation of frameworks that integrate academic and behavioral systems to help all students.

January is School Board appreciation month. Superintendent Stockero thanked the board for their countless hours of dedication and work on the behalf of the 6,800 students in the Copper Country.

The CCISD Administrative staff shared the first draft of a 3-5 year Strategic Plan for the ISD with the board. The entire administrative staff has been meeting monthly to draft the plan after gathering input through individual departmental meetings with staff, surveys from local school administrators and priorities from the board. The board will take time to look over the plan and provide additional feedback over the next few weeks. The administrative staff shared that the intent of this strategic plan is to guide the ISD in future work and that it will evolve over the years as goals are met and new needs arise. Superintendent Stockero praised the administrative staff for their hard work. Stockero told the board, as superintendent of the CCISD, he may be the face of the organization, but it is people like Kristina Penfold, Special Education Director, Katrina Carlson, Special Education Supervisor, Carla Strome, General Education Director, Mike Richardson, REMC 1 Director, Shawn Kolbus, CTE Director and Jason Auel, Business Manager who are invaluable to the organization. Stockero shared that the administrative team works very well with each other and are willing to share their ideas and challenge each other to make the Copper Country ISD the best it can be. The board stated their thanks to the administrative team and indicated that they appreciated the hard work, and that they can see through the work and interactions with the board that the administrative team is a strength for the ISD.

In other action, the Board:

Recognized the Board for Board Recognition Month. Approved Revised CTE Budget for 2019-2020 Appointed PAC Member Michael Lahti to a 3 year term. Accepted Resignation of Shari Randell, Instructional/Bus Aide Accepted Resignation of Jaye Kamm, Instructional/Bus Aide Hired Mental Health Professional, Michael Garrison Approved purchased of a New School Bus Approved Contract with Aspirus for Therapy Services Hire Temporary Instruction/bus Aide, Elizabeth Strom


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