
Earthquake in Turkey impacts Tech students, faculty

Press release

Houghton – A major earthquake (magnitude 7.8) and two significant aftershocks (magnitude 7.5 and 6.3) have rocked Turkey and northern Syria since Feb. 6, with over 47,000 confirmed deaths so far. Millions of people are in need of shelter, food and water in southern Turkey and northern Syria after the world’s deadliest seismic event in more than a decade. Three doctoral candidates and five professors at Michigan Tech hail from the region and have family and friends there.

The reality of the recent quakes brings back frightening memories for two Tech students.

“Before moving into the US, we experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in western Turkey. That day, when I felt the initial shakes of a big earthquake, I quickly grabbed my phone, took a position, and waited for the building to collapse. I was lucky, the building did not collapse, but not everyone was. We lost more than 100 people,” said Ogetay Kayali, a PhD candidate in physics.

“Turkish people mostly communicate over Twitter and after this latest earthquake, we started seeing tweets about people asking for help,” added Devrim Yagmur Durur, a PhD candidate in chemistry. “They were tweeting under the rubble. That moment I knew, this could be me.” With over 10,000 buildings having collapsed, the number of people trapped is staggering.

“The impact of these quakes on students and faculty here is enormous. They are thousands of miles away from family and friends with limited ability to help,” said Dr. Sarah Green, professor of chemistry at Michigan Technological University. “They can help by raising funds to aid survivors. The Houghton and Michigan Tech community has a history of rallying around people in need. Our community is international and we aim to make the whole world a better place. We don’t run away from a crisis. We run toward it and help in every way we know how. From a distance, the best support we can give is direct cash donations to communities and organizations on the ground at the epicenter.”

Green and her students have established the Michigan Tech and Copper Country fundraiser on GlobalGiving. This fund will funnel donations to the most critical needs in the earthquake-impacted region. Initially, the fund helps first responders meet survivors’ immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, medicine and shelter. As needs evolve, the fund will prioritize longer-term recovery efforts run by local, vetted organizations in the impacted areas.

To give, please visit the Michigan Tech and Copper Country fundraiser on GlobalGiving {{LINK TO: https://www.globalgiving.org/fundraisers/45700/}}, which supports Turkey Philanthropy Funds, as well as other vetted organizations, with a focus on community-based responses. This is a very well-respected and highly trusted organization. Your donation to this fund will help meet emergency needs, as well as power the efforts of local nonprofits that can close gaps in response and lead long-term recovery efforts. You may also visit their Facebook page {{LINK: https://www.facebook.com/CopperCountryTurkiyeQuakeRelief}} for all the latest information.


• Donations Page: https://www.globalgiving.org/fundraisers/45700/

• Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CopperCountryTurkiyeQuakeRelief


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