
Free class offers insight to end-of-life information

Press release

As a Hospice Chaplain, Kathleen Carlton Johnson, Ph.D., has experienced many different human beings. She has had the privilege to be with them on their final journey. Often, she have been asked questions about dying, suffering, and what it feels like to die. Is there eternal life or not? Others want to know what happens in the dying process.

All these questions she tries to answer to the best of her ability. However, there has been a need for this kind of information in our community, so the public will have the opportunity through Final Journey classes to inform themselves. Very few people think about these questions. Indeed, most often try to avoid this information, preferring to remain outside this information until it must be addressed.

On Tuesdays, May 14, 21 and 28, Final Journey: An Exploration will be presented at the Bluffs Library from 4 to 6 p.m.

In a community effort, experts around the medical, spiritual and burial information will gather. Classes will be in the form of a presentation with time for questions. The presenters all have expert knowledge of end-of-life issues.

Here is your opportunity to ask questions and to enlarge your understanding of a topic that will impact us all. These classes are free and open to the public.

If you would like to sign up, please send an email: Finaljourney675@gmail.com. Register your name so your place will be reserved. Space is limited.

Final Journey, May 14, 21, 28

4 to 6 p.m.

Bluffs Library, second floor

100 Bluff View Drive, Houghton, MI

Please sign up:



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