Houghton County Marina to get upgrades

The Houghton County Marina is receiving a $176,000 Department of Natural Resources grant funding 80% of the cost for upgrades at the Houghton County Marina. They include improvements to the shower and restroom facilities, roof repairs and a mechanism to lift handicapped boaters and guests onto the pier. Garrett Neese/Daily Mining Gazette
RIPLEY — The Houghton County Marina will get some long-awaited upgrades to its bathroom facilities through a new Department of Natural Resources grant announced last week.
The grant was part of a $2.6 million package of Waterways Grant Program awards announced by the DNR. It covers 10 sites in the northern part of the state.
The $176,000 grant will go towards making the shower and bathroom facilities at the marina compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. It covers 80% of the cost, with the county paying the rest.
The Houghton County Board unanimously approved the grant in May.
Through those funds, the county will address the leaking and aging roof and eaves, as well as redesigning and constructing two new ADA-compliant showers and restrooms. A pier will also be outfitted with a mechanism to safely raise handicapped boaters and guests onto the pier and to the sidewalk/street level. The wifi signal will also be boosted to cover both of the far ends of the property.
“Prior to this grant opportunity, we have had a very hard time addressing these needs, and if you read the last many recreation plans and master plans you will see this item in them front and center,” Administrator Ben Larson said in a statement. “We are grateful to our DNR partners, and we look forward to ensuring that their investment into the county marina helps to provide better service to all for the next 50 years or longer.”
Larson said the upgrade would be similar to the new bath house and restroom facilities built at F.J. McLain after they had to be moved inland.
“We hope to save our historic red brick structure, but on it will be a new roof and inside will be a completely redone and ADA-compliant pair of restrooms and showers,” he said.
The annual grants are paid for by the Michigan State Waterways Fund, derived primarily from boat registration fees and a portion of Michigan’s gas tax set aside for public recreational boating facilities. Recipients are chosen by the Michigan State Waterways Commission, a seven-member advisory board whose members are appointed by the governor.