
Soulcore combines faith and fitness

Soulcore classes combine prayer and reflection with exercises and strength training. Image courtesy of SoulCore.

Soulcore, a mix of yoga, light pilates, and prayer, seeks to strengthen both the soul and body. These calming exercise sessions integrate the rosary into an hour-long workout. Soulcore encourages participants to slow down and immerse themselves in scripture and prayer while engaging in a workout. 

“We can be physically strong and neglect the spiritual. Or focus on our spiritual growth while neglecting the physical,” SoulCore writes on their website. “We are created body and soul. SoulCore simultaneously strengthens both.” 

SoulCore instructors take students through a variety of strengthening movements accompanied by prayer. Sessions begin with stretching followed by core-strengthening movements while participants recite the Apostle’s Creed. Students will pray the rosary together as they move through many more exercises, including push-ups. 

“Just as during the Liturgy of the Mass (kneeling, standing, sitting) postures us to fully integrate body and soul into receiving the Word of God, SoulCore elevates our capacity to receive the Word of God and contemplate the Mysteries and Virtues at a deeper level.” SoulCore’s website explains. 

There is no specific fitness level needed to participate in SoulCore. The classes are intended to focus on prayer, with the exercises simply enhancing the experience. Movements can be modified or even done from a chair, depending on the participant’s physical abilities or limitations. 

SoulCore was founded by two Christian women, Colleen Scariano and Deanne Miller. Colleen was raised Irish Catholic, and was always involved in athletics growing up. Several personal tragedies in her family led her to seek out new ways to strengthen her faith, mind, and body. Deanne converted to Catholicism as a young woman. She experienced a great amount of suffering in her teenage years, and says that the combination of prayer and movement helped her tremendously on her path to healing. These fitness and prayer classes that came from humble beginnings are now being taught across the country and all over the world. 

SoulCore classes are currently offered through St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church in Houghton. Sessions are held Mondays and Thursday from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the church’s east addition. Classes are free, and all fitness levels are welcome to attend. Bringing a yoga mat or exercise mat are encouraged. Participants are also welcome to bring their own hand weights to add an extra level of strength training to their SoulCore experience. 

For more information, reach out to Naomi Woodruff at 906-275-8060. 

Memberships for the online SoulCore studio are also available for those who want to exercise in a more private setting or want on-demand classes. Visit soulcore.com for more information. 


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