
SKY offers thanks for support

The board members of Simple Kindness for Youth (SKY) would like to extend a thank you to the Keweenaw Community Foundation, the United Way of Marquette County, the James A. Ruppe Foundation and Portage Health Auxiliary (and their dedicated volunteers who work at the Guilded Rose Hospital Gift Shop) for their support. We would also like to thank Copper Shores Community Health Foundation and all those who donated to SKY on Giving Tuesday. Because of their generous donations, we are able to continue our mission to help children in our local communities.

These amazing groups have made it possible for SKY to provide a wide range of support for children in Houghton, Baraga and Keweenaw counties. These include educational needs, clothing, athletic equipment, medical devices, caps and gowns, trade school supplies, handicap equipment and so many other things. Since SKY is all volunteer, 100% of the donations we receive from these generous organizations go directly to children. We are moved and motivated by the thank you notes from the grant recipients.

Without the support of groups like Keweenaw Community Foundation, United Way of Marquette County, James A. Ruppe Foundation, Portage Health Auxiliary, Copper Shores and our many individual donors, none of our work would be possible. What an incredible community! Thank you!

Mary Eckhart

Simple Kindness for Youth board member

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