
Letters to the Editor

Spotlight on corrections crisis

I have 26 years of working in corrections and have worked in every prison in the U.P. I understand the shortage of corrections officers and it is nothing new; this has been going on for years and even decades. I have witnessed the high level of stress and the burnout of my fellow workers. It is ...

Faith perspective: Family values questioned

Having just spent an ideal week with family who were visiting from the other side of the country, I am exhausted and grateful. How wonderful it is to see our grandchildren begin to stretch their wings and trust the air as they look ahead! Humans are social animals, and it is our compassionate ...

Facts matter

Left or Right does not change truth. Neither does name calling, insults or threats. Truth is truth whether you like it or not. That being said, Trump not Biden negotiated directly with the Taliban terrorists and excluded the Afghan army. Trump not Biden drew down US forces from 13,000 to ...

Kern for Keweenaw County Commission

I am AJ Kern and a candidate for Keweenaw County Commissioner, District 1. In July, the county board approved a half-mill property tax increase to fund a full-time zoning administrator. Allouez Township supervisor noted that voters would likely oppose the property tax increase. Voters may ...

Understaffing of prisons, other institutions hasn’t changed

The understaffing of state prisons, psychiatric institutions and nursing homes hasn’t changed in my lifetime of 77 years. I worked in the Arizona State Prison, in 1974-75, after graduating from the University of Arizona, it had a yearly turnover of 70%. I worked with juveniles in Tucson ...

Grateful for all involved in triathlon’s success

I am writing in gratitude to all those involved in orchestrating the Verna Mize Triathlon 2024. A mere thank you seems inadequate as there are many moving parts working together that make this event a huge success! The excitement and joy of the participants make it all worthwhile. Their ...