
Letters to the Editor

We support Black Lives Matter

To the editor: Protests all over the country and the world have erupted for the brutal murder of African American George Floyd by policeman Derek Chauvin on May 25th and for police brutality, in general, against African Americans, usually with impunity. In this case, the four officers at the ...

Hope you like your plants

To the editor: It was a long winter and cold spring and as a senior who has been self isolating to keep away from exposure to the Corona virus, I really looked forward to summer. A few weeks ago I purchased two beautiful geraniums and had them planted into a hanging planter and put them on ...

Fixing America through faith

To the editor: America is already morally and maybe soon financially bankrupt. “Wealth and power is god now.” Is this the beginning of the end of our 250 year empire? Many preacher are not teaching and preaching the whole “Word of God,” and many people that want that “feel good” ...

Thank you May Blood Drive

To the editor: On behalf of the U.P. Regional Blood Center, I would like to thank Econofoods in Houghton, for hosting a blood drive in the month of May. As a result of their efforts, we collected 28 pints of blood. I would also like to thank all the community members that took the time to ...

Go figure

To the editor: Recently, someone wrote to this paper and suggested that God may be using Donald Trump, (who by the way is the most morally bankrupt, and corrupt president in our history), to be somehow exposing the out of control corruption in Washington, D.C. This is very rich, as well as a ...

Keep the faith

To the editor: Recently, someone wrote to this paper and suggested that God may be using Donald Trump, (who by the way is the most morally bankrupt, and corrupt president in our history), to be somehow exposing the out of control corruption in Washington, D.C. This is very rich, as well as a ...