Niemela joins the Baraga Co. board

L’ANSE — The Baraga County Board of Commissioners Monday with new commissioner James Niemela welcomed in.
Niemela said the board was helpful in teaching him about the position.
“I’m looking forward to listening to people and keeping the taxpayers in mind,” he said. “Being careful with the people’s money is very important to me and these funds need to go toward a good purpose and we need to be cognizant of the fact that people worked hard for their money.”
Vice-Chair Brad Dakota assumed the chairman position and Craig Kent became the new vice-chairman. Despite the new member and advancements in positions the board is one member short with the District 5 position vacant.
The vacant seat has led to the board postponing most chairman and board appointments that were scheduled for the meeting. The board agreed that the appointments will be made once the position is filled, of which eligible residents of Baraga County in the fifth district can submit their letters of interest to the County Board up to Jan. 24. The board will then select from the interested candidates during a special meeting on Jan. 29.
The one appointment that the board did make,was appointing former Chairman Gale Eilola to the Copper Country Mental Health (CCMH) board as a community member. Eilola had expressed interest in still serving the community after he had left the board, and this coincided with CCMH requesting a community member to fill the position.
The board also received a request for a letter of support from the Baraga County Road Commission. The Road Commission is seeking a Michigan Department of Transportation Grant application to advance its road projects located on the L’Anse Reservation.
The Baraga Sheriff’s Dept. will replace its hot water heater with the board paying $15,500 of the cost.
Bills also approved by the board included Baraga County Memorial Hospital Trustee Per Diem for Nov. and Dec. both at $990, County Commissioner and Department bills at $51,426.56, prepaid accounts at $350,210.54 and the Sheriff Dept. Commissary Checking Account at $6,892.49.