
FinnU receives $47,589 grant for campus security technology

Finlandia University has received $47,589 from the Michigan Department of State Police and Michigan’s Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program reimbursement grant initiative for sexual assault prevention technology upgrades. The University will use these funds to add a new camera security system as well as an RFID card access system and enhance campus LED lighting in Finlandia Hall.

Michigan’s Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program and the Michigan Department of State Police distributed upwards of $1 million in grant funding to 23 Michigan educational institutions to help prevent sexual assaults on educational organizations’ campuses.

“When investigating complaints of sexual violence, video footage is invaluable for establishing timelines and identifying witnesses,” Dean of Students Erin Barnett said. “Ensuring the safety of students, faculty and staff continues to be a priority for Finlandia University.”

With the upgrade to a more advanced camera security system, campus security will be adding 50 to 70 new cameras across campus. This new camera system will simplify personnel patrolling capabilities and efficiency.

For the RFID card access system, each student is given an identification card that sends out radio waves of a specific frequency. When the card is within range, the antenna within the card captures part of this energy and broadcasts a message which includes the unique number from the chip. If that number corresponds to a card that’s allowed access, the door opens.

“I would like to extend a huge thank you to the State of Michigan Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program for their support in helping upgrade our security measures and safeguarding the Finlandia University campus and personnel,” Finlandia’s Head of Campus Safety and Security, Brandon Bell, said.

A timeline for the updates has yet to be determined but is actively being discussed with campus leadership.

For more information on the campus security technology upgrades please reach out to Brandon Bell at brandon.bell@finlandia.edu


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