
Houghton Council says goodbye to Lankton

HOUGHTON — Council and family members wished Houghton City Councilor Rachel Lankton the best during her final meeting Wednesday.

Lankton, who has been on the council since 2004, did not run for re-election. Her departure means at least at least one of the three challengers on the ballot — Virginia Cole, Brian Irizarry and Joan Suits — will join the council.

“It’s been an interesting, entertaining, educational and usually enjoyable 16 years,” Lankton said. “And I want to say thanks to (former city manager) Scott (MacInnes) and (City Manager) Eric (Waara) for putting up with all my questions, and to all of you for putting up with me.”

The council passed a resolution honoring Lankton Wednesday. In addition to the council, Lankton has served on the Portage Lake District Library Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals and Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw Board. She was also actively involved in the 2006 relocation of the library, the 2008 purchase of the Carnegie building and 2019 development of a city skate park.

“Rachel, from the bottom of my heart, I just want to tell you thank you for everything you have done for this community, and you certainly will be missed,” Mayor Bob Backon said.

Waara said it had been great working with Lankton, and that MacInnes would likely agree.

“I know he always spoke very highly of you as well, even when you ask questions,” Waara said. “That’s what makes it work. So enjoy the next phase.”

Police Chief John Donnelly said residents made a wise choice putting her on the council.

“I thought you listened very well to the employees, and when I’ve seen you interact with the people in front of you, you seem to listen and make a good decision,” he said.

Lankton’s daughter Laura Kloss said the city had been fortunate to have her on the council for so many years.

“You know how much I’ve always admired how strongly you stand up for the causes that you believe in, and the space that you hold for difficult conversations and just your process and making those thoughtful and sound decisions, and you’re truly leaving a legacy in your cherished community,” she said. “I’m very proud of you.”


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