
One dead after Iron River blast

IRON RIVER — An 80-year-old man was found dead after an Iron River house exploded Saturday night, according to Michigan State Police.

The blast at 820 Cayuga St. was reported at about 9:30 p.m. and debris was scattered as far as three blocks away, state police said in a news release. The man who was found dead in the mostly destroyed home had just moved there from Florida.

Authorities do not suspect criminal activity, but the fire remains under investigation. There were no reports at this time of other injuries.

Troopers from the Iron Mountain post and neighboring posts responded along with Iron County’s Sheriff’s Department, Iron River Fire Department and several other fire departments from Iron and Dickinson counties.

MSP K-9 units and the MSP district fire investigator also assisted. Iron River City Police will lead the investigation with assistance from MSP.

The public was asked to stay behind barricaded areas as investigation continues.


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