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Copper Country residents join the Trump Train

"Trump Train" participants pose with flags and campaign signs before their tour from Chassell to Calumet. (Mary Christine Stevens/For the Gazette)

About 50 cars, semi-trucks and motorcycles gathered in Chassell on Saturday to put on a Keweenaw ‘Trump Train.” Vehicles displayed merchandise in support of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, along with American flags and signs bearing slogans such as “Bring back common sense: 2024.”

The convoy made its way along U.S. 41, going through Chassell, Houghton, Hancock, Calumet, and Laurium. A motorcyclist helped to direct traffic and keep the group together on the road.

The quasi-parade received a mixed bag of reactions from onlookers. Some lined the streets cheering and waving American flags. Others weren’t as supportive, and made obscene gestures and swore at drivers.

Supporters of all ages joined in, ranging from teens who had just got their licenses, to married couples with multiple children, to older residents who were eager as ever to back Trump.

The train ended in a casual rally at the Copper Country Mall in Houghton. Drivers parked, mingled and complemented each other on their vehicles’ decorations. The usual Make America Great Again hats made an appearance, along with one sign that read “X-Democrat 4 Trump-Vance.” One attendee handed out stickers as groups of drivers posed for photos together in front of a Trump-Vance 2024 sign that was posed on the bed of a semi.

While many of the rally-goers had voted Republican for as long as they could remember, a few were new to the GOP.

“I used to be a big Democrat supporter,” one attendee said. “I voted for Obama, for Biden. But after seeing, you know, how much our country has changed, and how hard things have gotten for folks, I decided to go for Trump this time around.”

Trump Trains, gatherings of Trump supporters who drive parade-style to show their support, have been seen all over the United States. In the past few months, several have been hosted in Texas, Ohio, New Hampshire and now, in Michigan.

Keweenaw County tends to vote mostly Republican, according to data from MLive. 57% of the Keweenaw reportedly voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election, and 52% voted Republican in various 2018 elections. The 2024 Presidential Election will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Trump has gained a lot of media attention recently, especially in regards to the attempted assassination at a Philadelphia rally in mid-July.


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