
Sports columns

Peterson: The sound of a real fastball

The game of baseball has unique sounds of its own. There is the solid crack of a fastball hitting the bat right in the sweet spot. That sound is known to anyone who has ever played the game and it is usually an indication that a batter will soon be circling the bases. And there’s the ...

Peterson: Bad Boys really were that good

In the long-running and just concluded “The Last Dance,” the exploits of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls dynasty of the 1990s were well-documented by ESPN. Yes, Jordan is the finest basketball player ever produced by the National Basketball Association. His skills and game preparation ...

Peterson: NFL rolls the dice on return

The National Football League is rolling the dice on its planned return to play. COVID-19 has changed the way we live in every respect. And how the sports world is going to proceed is very much in question. The NFL does have an advantage in that it can see how major league baseball, hockey ...

Peterson: Not a typical day 50 years ago

It was a typically nice spring day at the Neureut Kaserne fifty years ago. The weather in that southern Germany hamlet was pretty much like it is in southern Michigan, warm with flowers just blooming. But May 4, 1970 wasn’t just another day. Since it was my birthday, I had the day off ...

Peterson: Pandemic sparks interest in past

One of the things the current pandemic has done is to ignite an interest in the past. With practically nothing going on in the sports world, we’ve all gotten used to watching feats of years gone past. There’s been plenty of hockey, basketball and baseball games of yesteryear shown on ...

Peterson: NFL draft not all that important

There was a time not long ago when the National Football League college draft commanded a lot of attention. But that was on a faraway planet ... and a long time ago. In the past couple of months, the NFL and just about every sport, has faded into the background. When the matter of live ...