
Business community offers incentives to shop local on Small Business Saturday

HOUGHTON — The Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with many in the local business community, has announced it will promote local shopping specials and give away free donuts and refreshments on Small Business Saturday with official endorsement from the nationally-recognized “Shop Small” campaign. The event will take place on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which is Nov. 30 this year.

In 2010, in effort to support local shops that make our communities strong, American Express launched Small Business Saturday on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to shop small and bring more holiday shopping to local businesses. Last year, U.S. consumers reported spending a record high of $17.8 billion at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday.

“We’re thrilled to be apart of this national campaign, and it’s important for people to know that no matter how you get involved, every little bit makes a big difference.” Tara Arens said, Chamber Manager at the KCOC.

Local businesses will be holding merchandise sales and specials, and shoppers can start their day with free coffee, donuts, a free coupon booklet of local savings, and free Shop Small merchandise at the Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce Shop Small Welcome Station. This Welcome Station will be located at the Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce in Houghton, and will be open from 8 a.m. to noon on Small Business Saturday.

“Small Business Saturday is about bringing awareness to the importance of locally-owned businesses,” Arens said. “These businesses are essential to our local community. They are worth supporting, and small purchases can really make a big difference.”

To further incentivize shopping local, Arens indicated that individuals coming to the Welcome Station at the Chamber Office will be entered in to a drawing for a Keweenaw Cash gift certificate for $100.00. Keweenaw Cash is a gift certificate program produced through the Chamber to support its members and shopping local.

To learn more about how the importance of small businesses and get details on this year’s Small Business Saturday event, email info@keweenaw.org or call the Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce at 906-482-5240.


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