
Representing who?

To the editor:

Jack Bergman voted no against the recently passed infrastructure bill. According to the DMG in July 20, “There are nearly 1000 bridges in the Upper Peninsula.” Of those, “fewer than half are rated good — the rest are rated poor.”

Let me repeat, Jack Bergman, our representative in Washington, D.C., voted no against the bill, which in addition to spending on other needed items, would help to repair bridges.

During Jack Bergman’s first two terms in Congress, many of us nearly forgot he was representing us. We hardly heard his voice. Were you ever invited to a public event where he would answer questions? Many people in government have held Zoom public hearings, so COVID isn’t a valid excuse. But when election time rolled around, there was Jack. You couldn’t turn on your TV, radio, or go online without seeing him asking for your vote.

Here we are in Jack’s third term. Has he made any effort to hold a public hearing? Will he hold public hearings in his district to explain why he voted no on such an important bill to not only help the U.P., but the entire nation? Will he allow people in his district to ask him questions?

Speaking of politicians and our bridges, Representative Greg Markkanen lives in Hancock. Surely, he knows how much work has been done on the Portage Lake Lift Bridge and the concerns all of us who live in the area have. Our bridge allows access to the two area hospitals and the airport. What has Rep. Markkanen done in Lansing to replace our bridge and even, as many have suggested is necessary, add a second bridge for those times that one or the other is unusable? What is he doing to advocate for money in Michigan for our area to improve, not only the bridges, but other needed services in cities and townships in the state?

Wouldn’t it be nice if Rep. Markkanen would invite the people he represents to hear him speak about what he is working on and actually answer questions? Instead of directing people to his website or having them call someone who works for him, Rep. Markkanen could actually carry on conversations with constituents.

Our representatives are sorely lacking in communicating with people they supposedly represent.


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